jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

This picture was take in Cuevas del Almanzora. This bridge reached 250 meters of long. The money was spending was 323000 pesetas.In the picture you can see the big mountain and the village.The bridge was crossing the river Almanzora and united Cuevas and Aguilas.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

GROUPS-The Erizos

The Erizos

We are students in Jaroso high school.

-Hi, my name is Tomas Núñez Rodríguez. I am sixteen years old. I like playing football. My favourite colour is yellow and I like electro music.

-Hi, my name is Miguel Ros Cano. I am fifteen years old. I go to Jaroso high school. I like sports, videogames,rock music and animals.

-Hi, my name is Juan Francisco Martín Rodríguez. I am fifteen years old. I go to  Jaroso high school. I like playing football and listening to music. My favourite colour is black.

-Hi, my name is Felipe Mellado Lorenzo. I am sixteen years old. I go to  Jaroso high school. I like playing football and listening to music. My favourite colour is blue.



We are the YIMI that means Younesse ,Isa, Madelayne & Isa Mari they are our initials.We are in 4th CSE group C . We all live in Cuevas del Almanzora. We are doing a project for our group in the classroom website. Those are our descriptions.

Hi, I am Younesse, I am 15 years old and I am Moroccan.
I like football and goats.My favourite subjects are English, Maths and French. When
I will grow up I will be an engenieer.

Hello. I am Isa Mª, I am 15 years old and I am Spanish.
I like dancing and reading books. I have got a dog. My favourite subject is History.

Hi, I am Madelayne, I am 15 years old and I am Ecuadorian but I have got Spanish nationality. I like singing and reading books.My favourite subjects are Maths and English
I like running in the afternoons.I want to be a teacher.

Hello. I am Isa. I am 17 years old and I am Spanish. I like football and watching TV. My favourite subject is French. I have got a dog and a cat.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

GROUPS-The Jarosita


We are students in Jaroso high school and we are in year 4 group C.

Hello, my name is Juan Francisco, but everybody calls me Juan. I am fifteen years old, I have got one dog, it is Barney. I am always to the repair shop, I  love it.

Hello, my name is Alberto. I am fifteen years old,I like football, all sports in general and I would like to be a journalist.

Hello, I am Lorena. I´m fifteen years old. In the future I want to be a pharmacist. I like listening to music, playing  basketball and I love going  shopping with my friends. I don´t like eating soup.

Hi, my name is Maribel. I´m fifteen. I like dancing, playing the piano, reading books and meeting with my friends. I hate sports. In the future I want to become a teacher. I usually go to the shopping centre with my mother every week.

My name is Roberta. I am fifteen years old. I like music and I don’t like  rock. My favourite subject is Maths. I would like to study in the university.

GROUPS-The Morochos

The Morochos
Hi,the name of the group is the Morochos.This group is formed by Federico Soler,Marcos Morocho,Faisal Mesmar and Eric Aguilar. This group was funded in 3rd November of 2014 in an English class with a fabolous teacher.
Federico Soler,he is 16 years old.He lives in Palomares. He doesn´t like speaking English. He likes football,  motorbikes, and everything except studying.
Faisal Mesmar,he is 16 years old.He is Moroccan,he lives in Cuevas del Almanzora and he likes  sports.
Eric Aguilar,he is 16 years old,he is Spanish. He lives in Cuevas del Almanzora,and he likes football and he plays football every day.
Marcos Morocho,he is 16 years old.He is Ecuadorian and he lives in Cuevas del Almanzora in Blas Infante street. He likes playing football and his favourite team is FC Barcelona.
Unit 1
Life and fashion
  • Vocabulary: 
     Articles of clothing
  • Grammar
    Present simple vs present continous
    Like/enjoy/hate + ing
    Adverbs of frequency
    Questions forms
  • Pronunciation
     Words endings
  • Reading
     Text:Urban tribes
     Strategies: Key words,Friendly words, guessing meaning
  • Writing
      Writing about yourself
      Analysing information grammar and vocabulary
  • Listening and speaking
      Talking about yourself

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

In this blog we will talk about the different things that give you in this course.
Will be divided into topics that have English book.
Students will be able to visit this blog to help during this course in English.